At Sigma, our goal is to exceed your expectations. Truly hoping that each and every one of our customers are thrilled with their new home. Should a customer recommend a friend, family member or colleague who also then goes on to buy a Sigma home, we’d like to reward that loyalty.
Terms & Conditions: The recommendation must be logged with our Sales Consultant at the time of reservation at the development where your family or friend wishes to purchase their new Sigma home. At that time, the person recommending must have already purchased and completed on their own Sigma home directly from Sigma Homes in order to qualify. Only one Recommend a Friend claim can be used per home purchase and the payment to the referrer becomes payable on legal completion of the purchase of the new Sigma home taking place, please allow 4 weeks after the legal completion date for payment. This incentive is not available to employees of Sigma Homes, any person connected or related to such an employee, Sigma Homes’ agents or any person either connected professionally with this incentive or offer or acting in a business capacity. The reward to the referrer is not exempt from income tax or any other tax. The recipient of such fee is responsible for the declaring and paying of any tax that may be due. The Recommend a Friend incentive cannot be used in conjunction with any other incentive scheme. Sigma Homes reserves the right to withdraw the Recommend a Friend incentive at any time.